Transcripts & Answer keys

Embed Music – Embed Audio Files – 23 19. 4. exercise



A: Hello.

B: Hi, Jenny. This is David. How are things? A: Pretty good, thanks.

B: Listen. I was wondering if you’re doing anything on Sunday.

A: No, I don’t think so.

B: Great. Would you like to see a movie with me?

A: Oh, yeah. That sounds great. Thanks.


A: Hello.

B: Hi, Tony. This is Bob.

A: Hi, Bob. What’s up?

B: Oh, nothing much. But I have a favor to ask. Would it be okay for me to borrow your stereo on Sunday? Mine isn’t working very well, and I have some new CDs I’d like to listen to.

A: Um. Well, okay. I guess that’s all right.

B: Thanks. See you tomorrow.

A: Yeah. Bye.

C: Who was that?

A: Oh, it was Bob. He-wants to borrow my stereo, again!

C: Not again!


A: Hello.

B: Hi, John. This is Rita.

A: Hi. How’s it going?

B: Well, okay, but I’m afraid I have to cancel our date. Remember? We were going to see a play together.

A: Yeah, I’ve already bought the tickets.

B: Oh, I’m so sorry, but I have to drive my dad to the airport.

A: Oh well. I’ll see if I can get someone else to go with me.

B: Yeah. Sorry about that.


A: Hello.

B: Hello, David. This is Paul.

A: Oh, hi.

B: Listen, you know we’re supposed to meet at six tonight for dinner?

A: Yeah, is there a problem?

B: No, but can we meet at seven o’clock instead? I think I’m going to be late.

A: No problem. Actually, that’s better for me, too.

B: Great. See you at seven o’clock.


A: Hi, Joan. I know it’s late, but I wanted to call and apologize to you.

B: Well, I was wondering why you didn’t meet me for dinner.

A: I am so sorry, but my husband called me at work and told me that he was not feeling well. So, I had to go home and take care of him. I was so busy, I forgot to call you.

B: Well, I understand your problem, but you really should have called.


A: Hi, Howard! How are you doing?

B: Oh, Becky! I’m doing pretty good. I’m leaving for my big vacation to Europe this Saturday.

A: What? You are?

B: Yeah, why?

A: Well, you promised me that you would help me move into my new apartment this Saturday

B: Oh, that’s right. I forgot. Well, don’t worry. My plane leaves at night. I can still help you in the morning, I guess.

A: Oh, good. Thanks!

B: Sure.

Answer keys

Task 1

1. b   2. b   3.c   4.a   5.b   6.c

Task 2

1. pleased

2. not pleased

3. not pleased

4. pleased

5. not pleased

6. not pleased
