Transcripts & Answer keys

Share Music – Listen Audio – 11 18. 2



A: I think these are too big. Do you have a smaller pair?

B: Yes, we do. What size are those?

A: These are 9 1/2.

B: Let me find a smaller pair. Um — much smaller.


A: How much is this?

B; It’s $399.

A: $399. That’s very expensive.

B: It does look very nice on you.

A: Bob, what do you think?

C: Very nice. But how much?

A: It’s only $399.

C: $399! You must be kidding!


A: Oh, I haven’t read this. Is it good?

B: I think so.

A: Is it a mystery?

B: Well, actually I haven’t read it, but I think so.

A: Just what I need. I’ll take it.


A: Are these fresh?

B: Yes, they are.

A: They look delicious.

B: Why don’t you try one?

A: Really? Okay. Mmm. These are good.


A: I think these are fine. They’ll be great for the beach. What do you think?

B: Yes, but don’t you think they’re a little small?


A: Can I play this one? I’d like to listen to it before I buy it.

B: Yes, let me play that for you. I think you’ll like it.

Answer keys

A. 3   B. 6   C. 1   D. 5   E. 4   F. 2
