Transcripts & Answer keys

Music File Hosting – Embed Audio Files – 06 17. 3. exercise



A: Are you going out?

B: Yes. Later. What’s the weather like outside? A: Not very nice. Cloudy and windy.

I think it’s going to rain later.

B: Oh, really? It was sunny this morning.


A: Let’s go out for a walk. It’s so nice and sunny. B: Yes, it is. Not a cloud in the sky. Just let me put this on.


A: Are you going out in this snow?

B: Yes, I have to go downtown.

A: Well, wear something warm. It’s really cold outside.


A: Is it cold outside?

B: Not really. It’s raining a little, but it’s still nice.


A: It’s really hot and humid today B: It sure is. It must be at least 95 degrees, out there!

A: I think Pll go to the pool for a swim.

6. –

A: Oh, look. It’s snowing.

B: Great. Let’s get our things and have a snowball fight.

A: No way! It’s too cold for me.

B: Come on. There’s no wind. It’ll be nice.

Answer keys

Task 1.

1.a   2.a   3.b   4.b   5.a   6.a

Task 2.

1.a   2.a   3.b   4.a   5.b   6.b
