Transcripts & Answer keys

Music File Hosting – Download Audio – 55 Track 55



A: It’s one of the funniest movies I’ve seen. It’s about this weird family that goes on a European vacation. But it’s a vacation where everything goes wrong. First, they lose all their luggage, then they end up in the wrong city by mistake. After that, someone thinks they are bank robbers and there’s this crazy car chase. If you want a good laugh, you should see it.

B: Yeah, I’ve had a busy week. It sounds like the kind of movie I need to see.


A: Oh, it’s one of those movies that’s full of car chases and fights and people jumping out of airplanes and stuff. The special effects are pretty good, and it’s really exciting, especially when these two guys fight it out standing on the roof of a 50- story building. Of course, the bad guy falls off the roof in the end.

B: Sounds good. I like those kinds of movies.


A: If you like Julia Roberts, you’ll love this movie. She’s a nurse who works in a big hospital. She meets this patient she’s looking after, and slowly, they fall in love, and finally get married.

B: Hmm. Actually, I’m not a big fan of romances, so I don’t think it’s something I would like.


A: Hey, let me tell you about the movie. It’s about this guy who goes into the hospital

for an operation, and by mistake, they give him the wrong kind of medicine. Every night, when it gets dark, he turns into a kind of half man, half animal and starts killing people.

B: Yuck. I hate those kinds of movies. I don’t think I’ll bother seeing it. Thanks, anyway.

5.          .                                             .

A: It’s kind of interesting. It’s about people who travel in a time machine. They can choose which century they want to visit. So, they decide to visit some famous times in history. They also see what the future is going to be like.

B: Hey, that sounds interesting.

I like movies like that.

Answer keys

Task 1

1. Comedy     2. Action

3. Romance   4. Horror

5. Science fiction

Task 2

1. Will see it

2. Will see it

3. Won’t see it

  4. Won’t see   it

5. Will see it
