Transcripts & Answer keys

Free Music – Free Audio – 14 Track 14


A: Bobby, would you like to go out for dinner Thursday?

B: Thursday? Oh, I’d love to, but I have to meet my sister for dinner.

A: Oh, well, some other time, then.

B: Sure.


Melissa, would you like to see a movie on Saturday?

That sounds great. What time?

At 9:30?

All right.

Hey, Jack, let’s go for coffee after class on Monday.

Oh, sorry. I have to go downtown.

I have an appointment.

Oh, okay.


Betty, do you want to come over to my house for dinner Wednesday?

Thanks. Fd love to. What time?

Around 6:30.

Okay. See you then.


Hey, Ralph, let’s play tennis on Sunday afternoon.

B: Sunday afternoon? I can’t. I’m going away for the weekend. Maybe some other time?

A: Sure.


A: Say, Jill. I’m going shopping Friday night. I need a new dress. Want to come?

B: Friday night? Okay, I’m not doing anything special.

A: Good. Let’s go after work.

B: Fine.

 Answer keys

Task 1

1. refuse

2. accept

3. refuse

4. accept

5. refuse

6. accept

7. refuse

8. accept

Task 2

1. b  2. c  3. a  4. b  5. a  6. c
