Transcripts & Answer keys

Music File Hosting – Free Audio – 53 Track 53



A: Do you think 1 should put the magazine rack next to the window?

B: No. Not next to the window. I’d put it in the corner next to the sofa. It will look nice there.


A: Where do you think I should put the coffee table? Should I put it next to the sofa?

B: I think it will be better in front of the sofa. It’ll be more useful there, I think.


A: What about the plant stand? It might be nice next to the window.

B: Yes, next to the window, either on the left or on the right.

A: I think 111 put it on the right.


A: Now what about the bookshelf? It’s so big!

B: Hmm. What do you think?

A: How about next to the door, against the wall?

B: To the left of the door?


A: Now I need to find a place for this old chair that my mom gave me.

B: How about over there?

A: You mean in front of the window?


A: We still have to find a place for this end table.

B: Yes, where can we put it?

A: How about next to the sofa, in the corner near the door?

B: Yes, good. Is that okay now?


A: Where is a good place for the TV?

B: How about in the far left corner, to the left of the window?

A: Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll put it there. There. How does it look?


A: What about the dinner table?

B: Maybe we can put the dinner table against the wall, across from the sofa. In the middle of the wall.

A: Across from the sofa, against the wall. Is that what you mean?

Answer keys

Task 1

Task 2

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. a
