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I think exercise is so important to good health. There is a really good sports club near my school. During the week, I play tennis there for an hour before school starts. On weekends, I usually work out at the gym near my house for a few hours. I also play baseball with some friends from school.. It’s so much fun!


I don’t like jogging or doing anything too energetic. I prefer taking walks. I like to take a short walk every day through the park across from my house. Sometimes my boyfriend goes with me. It’s nice to talk and look at the flowers and trees. On Sunday, I like to swim, but for only about a half hour. I sleep the rest of the weekend.


I am a big football” fan, but I only watch it on TV. I can’t stand playing it! There are great games to watch on the weekend. I also enjoy watching tennis. I’d like to learn someday, but I don’t like to sweat. I love chess and often play with my younger sister. She’s really good at it and usually wins. On the weekends, I love to play video games with some of my friends.


I just love to exercise! I like many different sports. Let’s see…. I like swimming a lot. I get up very early, around 5 a.m., and swim for two hours from Monday to Friday. I also enjoy basketball and play with a group of friends from work every Tuesday night. And I’ve also started playing golf this year. Before playing, I go jogging to warm up.


I enjoy exercise, but I don’t do it as much as I should. I meet a friend every Wednesday and we play tennis. I’m not a very good player, but it’s fun and we usually play for an hour. On weekends, I like to bicycle in our neighborhood. I guess I spend an hour or two doing that. Oh, and I love baseball, but only watching it while sitting on the couch eating popcorn!

Answer keys

Task 1

1. Exercises a lot

2. Exeracises a little

3. Never exercises

4. Exercises a lot

5. Exercises a little

Task 2

1.c   2.d   3.e   4.a   5.b
