Transcripts & Answers

Listen Music Files – Upload Audio – 51 Track 51



A: Mom, have you seen my magazine?

B: I think it’s in the living room on top of the TV.                         ‘


A: Now where’s today’s newspaper?

I can’t find it anywhere.

B: Oh, I was reading it. It’s on the sofa, between the cushions.


A: Do you know where the remote control is?

B: Look in the living room. I think I saw it in front of the TV.

A: Oh, yeah.


A: Where’s my tennis racket? Did Dad borrow it again? I wish he’d ask me.

B: I saw it in your bedroom, under your bed.

A: Oh, yeah. That’s right.

Answer keys

2. behind the TV

1. on top of the bookshelf

5. on the table

4. next to the window

3. between the bedside tables

6. under the table
