Listen 13 – Dates

TASK 1. Listen to people talking about their birthdays. Have they had their birthdays yet this year?

                         Yes            No

1. Ted               □                

2. Jill                 □                

3. Sue              □                

4. Brian            □                

TASK 2. Listen again. What activity did each person do or will each person do for his or her birthday? Circle the correct answer.

1. Ted

a. have a party

b. study for exams

c. meet friends

2. Jill

a. go to her parents’ house

b. go on a trip by herself

c. go to New York with her parents

3. Sue

a. have a barbecue

b. go out to dinner with friends

c. stay home alone

4. Brian

a. meet friends

b. have a busy day

c. have a quiet family party

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