Transcripts and Answer keys

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A: It’s my little boy! Now I can’t find him.

B: Don’t worry, ma’am. We’ll find him. How old is he?

A: He’s seven.

B: I see. And what color is his hair?

A: It’s light brown.

B: Don’t worry. We’ll find him for you.


A: My little girl was here a minute ago, and now I can’t find her.

B: She’s probably in the toy section. Can you describe her?

A: Yes, she’s five years old.

B: And what color hair does she have?

A: Brown. And it’s very curly.

B: All right. Let’s check the video screens and see where she is.


A: Has anyone seen a young kid?

B: How old, sir?

A: He’s ten. He’s always getting lost. Drives me crazy.

B: How tall is the boy, sir?

A: Ghee, good question. I don’t really know.

B: That’s Ok. And what colour is his hair?

A: Blond, and he wears it really long. Look just like a girl.


A: Excuse me. I’ve lost my little boy.

B: Can you describe him?

A: Yes. He’s six and half years old. Really cute.

B: And what color is his hair?

A: Dark brown.

B: Okay. Let’s see where he is. Just sit down and relax.


A: Excuse me. I’ve lost my daughter!

B: Is she in her teens, about average height, with short blond hair?

A: Why, yes.

B: She’s looking for you — over there, in the shoe department.

A: Thanks a lot!

Answer keys

1. 7       2. 5     3.10      4.6.5       5. teens

1. D      2. C     3. E       4. A         5. B
