Play Music – Upload Audio – Basic 03 Track 03


3. Let’s Listen


A: Hello.

B: Hello. Can I speak to Cindy, please?

A: Sorry. She’s not in. Can I take a message? B: Yes, this is Bob from school. Bob Jackson. A: Can you spell your last name?

B: J-A-C-K-S-O-N.

A: Okay. And what’s your telephone number, Bob?

B: 691-3839.

A: Okay. Do you want Cindy to call you?

B: Yes, please.

A: Fine. I’ll give her the message.


A: Hello. Tom Waite speaking.

B: Hello. Can I speak to Cindy, please?

A: Sorry. She’s not here.

B: Can I leave a message?

A: Yes, of course. la»

B: Thanks. This is Nancy. My number is 391-8246. Please ask Cindy to call me. A: Okay. I’ll ask her to call you as soon as she gets back.

B: Thank you.


A: Hello. This is Cindy’s house. But Cindy’s not home.

B: Oh, I see. Can I leave a message, please? A: Yes, Tm ready.
B: Thanks. This is Brian calling. Brian Kennedy.

A: Is that B-R-I-A-N K-E-N-N-E-D-Y?

B: Yes, and my number is 271-8914.

A: 271-8914. Okay. And will you call again later? B: Yes, I will.


A: Oh no, not another one. Hello.

B: Hello. Is Cindy there?

A: She’s not here. Who’s this?

B: Um. This is her teacher, Miss Wilson. A: Oh, Miss Wilson. Yes, of course.

Do you want to leave your number?

B: It’s okay. I’ll call back.

Answer keys

1. b   2. a  3. c  4. b
