Cute baby seal found in Sweden harbour

This baby seal was found wailing and roaming around a quayside in Sweden after it lost its way and ended up in the town’s harbour.

The little thing was greeted by curious residents who filmed it, as it rolled around on the harbour’s steps.

A local wild animal expert said that a mother seal abandons her pups when they are just two to three weeks old.

They are left on sheets of ice to live off their fat until their bodies have produced the right fur to allow them to start hunting on their own.

When the pups have the right fur, they jump into the sea and begin to hunt for fish, which they are programmed to do so they don’t miss their mothers. Looks like this little one had enough and bravely headed back out to sea.

Difficult words: wail (to cry a long high sound because you’re sad), roam (to move with no clear direction), quayside (area where boats can stop), abandon (leave), pup (young animal), sheet (unbroken area of something), fur (short fine hair of an animal).
