47. Bugs

Play Music – Play Audio – 47. Bugs

Many people are afraid of (1)…………….

Some bugs do bad things like eating (2)………………… or clothes.

Some bugs, such as (3)…………., even eat wood.

Other bugs can be good. Spiders catch (4)…………………..

Flies are not good because they carry (5)……………...

(6)………………get caught in the web that the spider builds.

Ants get into homes and eat food.

Bees are good because (7)………………. comes from bees.

It is not good if you get (8)……………….by a bee.

A (9)………………….. turns into a butterfly. Butterflies can be very beautiful.

You can find (10)…………..outside on a sunny day. Grasshoppers hop through the grass.

(11)……………make a noise by rubbing their legs together.

(12)……………..usually live near water. They have large, colourful wings.

(13)………………….. are red with little black dots.

There are many types of (14)…………………..

Nobody wants to have (15)……………. in their house.

(16)…………….. have many legs.

(17)………… get onto your pets and bite them. They make your dog or cat (18)………………

(19)………………… can make you itchy when they bite you.

Have you ever had a mosquito bite?
