46. Fruit

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Some fruit (1)…………….. on trees.

Apples grow on trees.

You can get red, yellow or green apples.

Some apples are green until they (2)……………….; then they turn red.

(3)…………….. grow on trees.

Peaches have a (4)……………. skin.

(5)………….grow on trees.

You can climb a (6)………………….. and pick cherries from the tree.

Cherries and peaches have (7)……………….. inside them.

The pits are not (8)…………………

Pears also grow on trees.

Lemons grow on trees.

They are very (9)………………

Have you ever picked (10)…………………?

Strawberries do not grow on trees.

You have to (11)………………………. down to pick strawberries.

Have you ever tried strawberry (12)……………….? It is very good.

Grapes grow on (13)……………………...

People use grapes to make (14)…………………….

There are many types of berries.

There are blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and cranberries, just to name a few.

Some fruits are more (15)………………...

There are (16)……………. and (17)…………………. They don’t grow in Canada.

Bananas and oranges don’t grow in a Canadian (18)…………………. either, but we are able to buy them here.

Some fruits have to be (19)……………….., and some can be eaten as they are.

It is always a good idea to wash fruit before you eat it.

The farmers (20)…………….. the crops with (21)………………….. to kill bugs, so it is good to (22)……………… that off.
