45. Describing Things

Upload Music – Embed Audio – 45. Describing things

Some things are different (1)……………….

They can be (2)…………………by their shape.

A circle is (3)………………………

A (4)……………….. disc is a circle.

A square has four (5)…………….. sides.

A (6)………………..is similar, but two of the sides are longer.

A (7)……………… has only three sides.

Have you ever seen anyone play a triangle in an (8)……………..?

The word “triangle” can stand for an (9)…………………or a shape.

An (10)…………………. is rounded, but it is not round.

An egg is an oval shape.

The floor is (11)…………………

If something is (12)…………….., it has no (13)……………………

Silk is smooth.

Some things are (14)……………..

Sandpaper is rough.

If something is (15)………….., it is not sharp or pointed.

A dull knife will not cut bread because the (16)………………… is not sharp.

If something is (17)……………………, it has a sharp end.

A sharp pencil has a pointed end.

A pencil that has been used a lot, and hasn’t been sharpened has a dull end.

Some things are (18)………………….

A teddy bear is soft.

It feels good to touch.

Some things are hard.

A rock is hard.

Soft can also (19)………………. a noise level.

If you have a soft (20)…………………., it is not very loud.

If someone tells you to speak softly, they want you to speak (21)……………….

“Loud” is the word used to (22)…………….. noises that hurt your ears.

A big (23)………………. will make a loud noise.

Sometimes your mother will tell you that your music is too loud.
