New York artist uses bubble wrap to create works of art

Now, we all love having a bit of fun with bubble wrap, but New York artist Bradley Hart has turned bubble wrap into art. Yeah, over the past four years, Bradley’s mastered a top secret technique that involves custom-made computer algorithms, syringes and homemade tools. Bradley says the idea came after an encounter with an overzealous security guard and leftover […]

Jeffrey the camel enjoys drinking beer

Simon Grant from North Yorkshire has a very special friend. It’s not an old school mate, not even a dog – no, it’s an 11 foot camel called Jeffrey. Jeffrey is originally from Russia and is thought to be the UK’s only pet camel. He arrived in the country from Holland seven years ago and was […]

Scientists shocked to spot giant asteroid with Saturn-like rings

This has never been seen before. A giant asteroid had a surprise in store for scientists when they discovered it had Saturn-like rings. Chariklo, which is also considered to be a minor planet, is around 250 kilometres wide, which makes it the smallest known object to have such rings. It was previously thought they could […]

Hilarious bus stop prank: Public see giant robots and alien invasion

Members of the public waiting at a busy central London bus stop got the shock of their lives when they were suddenly faced with an alien invasion, giant robots and a Bengal tiger on the run. And the pranksters at Pepsi MAX caught the whole thing on camera as part of their new Unbelievable campaign. Augmented Reality technology […]

Skydiver dies during world record attempt in Arizona

An experienced skydiver has died while taking part in a group world record attempt, after her main parachute malfunctioned. German skydiver Diana Paris was part of a 222-person group formation over Arizona, when her main parachute failed and her reserve chute opened too late. Having trained for 18 months, and jumping in good conditions, the skydivers were on their […]

Shark attack: Swimmer killed by shark in Australia

A 63 year-old woman has been killed by a shark off the New South Wales coast in Australia. Christine Armstrong was swimming with friends from the wharf at Tathra to the beach this morning, when she became separated from the group. “They came across a shark that was three or four metres in size. They just came […]

Pterosaur: Flying reptiles come to life for museum exhibition

The largest flying vertebrates in earth’s history are taking to the air at The American Museum of Natural History. A new exhibition at the New York museum will examine the life and history of the dinosaur era reptiles known as pterosaurs, which were the first back-boned animals to evolve powered flight. “Pterosaurs as their own unique group, they were the first […]

Earthquake in Chile: 8.2 magnitude quake sparks tsunami warning

A major earthquake has struck off the coast of Chile. The 8.2 magnitude quake hit around 100 kilometres northwest of Iquique near the Peruvian border. It triggered a tsunami with the biggest wave reported at just over two metres. At least five people have died. This woman said it was too strong and that everything in the […]

Amazing Rescue: British man saved from icy waters during Clipper race

“Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! We have a man overboard.” These chilling cries for help were called out in the early hours of Monday morning, as a British man was rescued from the Pacific Ocean, after falling overboard during the World Clipper Race. Andrew Taylor, from London, was changing a sail with a fellow crew member when he went over the […]