Charles Darwin – Father of Evolution

When Charles Darwin was born in 1809 science was still in its baby shoes. Chemists were talking about atoms, physicists about energy and electricity. Nobody really knew what it was. By the time he died in 1882 scientists were able to explain light andelectromagnetic waves. And, thanks to Darwin, biologists were able to explainhow life on Earth developed. Darwin was the best biologist of all […]

Endangered Species

Some animals and plants in our world are very common, like houseflies, cats ordaisies. They are not in danger of dying out. Other species are very rare. Sometimes only a few of them are left. Such species may disappear forever. Ever since life on earth began, animals and plants have died out and new ones have appeared. Dinosaurs, for example, roamed the planet during the earth’s middle […]

Toucans – Exotic Birds with Colourful Bills

 Toucans are birds that are famous for their brightly coloured bills. They arerelated to woodpeckers and live in the tropical regions of Central and South America. Some types of toucans live high up in the Andes Mountains. There are over forty types of toucans. The name toucan comes from tucano, which is what birds are called in Brazil. A toucan can grow to […]

Mountain Gorillas – Endangered Primates in Eastern Africa

 Mountain gorillas are one of the most endangered animals in the world. Scientists think that there are only about 600 mountain gorillas left. They live in the higher regions of the rain forests in Rwanda, Uganda and Congo. Mountain gorillas are strong, with long muscular arms and a big chest. They have thick black hair that protects them from the cold in high […]

Animal Migration

Many mammals, birds, fish, insects and other animals travel regularly from one place to another during a certain time of the year. This journey is called migration. Animals change their living areas because they may get more food, better places to build nests or more sunlight somewhere else. Some animals travel thousands of kilometers across land and water. Others travel only short distances. […]

Bats – Flying Mammals

Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Like all mammals they feed their young ones milk. We don’t see bats very often because they usually fly around only at night. During the daytime they hang in dark rooms of buildings, caves, hollowtrees and other dark places. There are about 900 types of bats. They live all over the world except in colder […]

At the Zoo

A zoo is a place where you keep and show animals. Adults and children all over the world like visiting zoos. Almost every large city in the world and lots of smaller towns have zoos. They have gardens and paths that lead from one area to another. Modern zoos have gift shops, restaurants and buildings where you can learn […]

Chocolate – History and Production

Chocolate is a food that is popular all over the world. It is made from the seeds of the cacao tree. It can be eaten and also used as a flavour in ice cream, candy and other foods. Many people like the taste of chocolate and those who work hard eat it to give them energy. History of chocolate Chocolate originally came from Mexico and […]

Butterflies and Moths

Butterflies and moths are flying insects that have brightly coloured wings. There are about 100 000 different types of butterflies and moths in our world today. They live in all regions, except Antarctica. Physical features Like all insects, butterflies and moths have three pairs of legs . Their bodies aredivided into three parts: the head, thorax and abdomen. Butterflies have a large eye on both […]


The bones in our body form our skeleton. They help to support our body andprotect important organs. Bones also store nutrients and minerals, and they are places where blood cells are made. Humans have more than 200 bones in their bodies – all of different shapes and sizes. Like other parts of our body bones keep changing all the time. They are alive and grow, especially when […]